Evolution Market Group Remission Fund

U.S. v. Assets Described in “Attachment A” To the Verified
Complaint for Forfeiture in Rem (M.D. Fla.)
U.S. v. Sixty-Four 68.5 lbs (Approx.) Silver Bars, et al. (M.D. Fla.)

The Department of Justice has decided the remaining Petitions for Remission in this matter.

  • If you have not received an initial decision on your petition, you will receive a decision notification in the coming weeks.
  • If you are represented by counsel, your attorney will receive the notification on your behalf.  Please contact your attorney.
  • If your petition is granted in full, a check or payment instructions will be included with the notification.
  • If you disagree with the remission decision or amount, you or your attorney will have 45 days to file a Request for Reconsideration of the decision.  If your petition is Partially Granted and you do not request reconsideration, you will receive a check or payment after the 45 day period expires.

If you filed a Request for Reconsideration of a prior decision, your request is still pending decision and will be resolved soon.

Please do not contact the Department of Justice directly about your petition status.  All notifications will be mailed from Analytics Consulting LLC.  Please click here to contact Analytics if you believe you have received a fraudulent communication.

Update – October 19, 2023

The remaining petitions will be ready for final decision by the end of the year. Please do NOT contact the Department of Justice directly for information about your petition. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney must contact Analytics on your behalf with any questions you may have.

Update – May 2, 2023

The U.S. Department of Justice, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (DOJ), ruled on the fourth wave of 902 victim petitions on March 30, 2023. The pending requests for reconsideration from the second and third wave of petitions will be decided soon.

The remission administrator will be sending notifications and checks to approved petitioners in the coming weeks. Due to bank processing and mailing times, domestic petitioners may receive checks sooner than foreign petitioners. PayPal is now being offered as an alternative payment option. If you would like to get your remission payment by PayPal instead of check, please email the remission administrator at info@emg-ffxremission.com and provide the email address associated with your PayPal account.

Victims whose petitions are fully or partially denied will have 90 days to request reconsideration of DOJ’s decision pursuant to 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.8(a)(3) and 9.4)(k) and provide supporting documentation. Requests for reconsideration may be mailed to the claims administrator or sent electronically via the email address listed on the notice letter. Please notify the claims administrator immediately of any address changes.

Update – July 1, 2021

The U.S. Department of Justice, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (DOJ), ruled on the third wave of 4,507 victim petitions on June 14, 2021. The pending requests for reconsideration from the second wave of petitions will be decided soon.

The remission administrator will be sending notifications and checks to approved petitioners in the coming weeks. Due to bank processing and mailing times, domestic petitioners may receive checks sooner than foreign petitioners. PayPal is now being offered as an alternative payment option. If you would like to get your remission payment by PayPal instead of check, please email the remission administrator at info@emg-ffxremission.com and provide the email address associated with your PayPal account.

Victims whose petitions are fully or partially denied will have 90 days to request reconsideration of DOJ’s decision pursuant to 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.8(a)(3) and 9.4(k) and provide supporting documentation. Requests for reconsideration may be mailed to the claims administrator or sent electronically via the email address listed on the notice letter. Please notify the claims administrator immediately of any address changes.

Approximately 12,306 petitions remain to be decided. This website will be updated when each subsequent wave of decisions is made.

Update – April 7, 2020

Due to international postal restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the claims administrator will be sending notification letters to petitioners whose petitions are fully or partially denied in the coming weeks by secure email. Checks will be mailed to petitioners with granted petitions. Check mailing to those countries affected by international postage restrictions will be delayed.

Victims whose petitions are fully or partially denied will have 45 days to request reconsideration of DOJ’s decision pursuant to 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.8(a)(3) and 9.4(k) and provide supporting documentation. Requests for reconsideration may be sent electronically via the email address listed on the notice letter or mailed to the claims administrator.

Please notify the claims administrator immediately of any address changes or email address changes.

Update – April 1, 2020

The U.S. Department of Justice, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (DOJ), ruled on the second wave of 6,759 victim petitions on March 27, 2020. The pending requests for reconsideration from the first wave of petitions will be decided soon.

The claims administrator will be sending notifications and checks to approved petitioners in the coming weeks. Due to bank processing and mailing times, domestic petitioners may receive checks sooner than foreign petitioners.

Victims whose petitions are fully or partially denied will have 45 days to request reconsideration of DOJ’s decision pursuant to 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.8(a)(3) and 9.4(k) and provide supporting documentation. Requests for reconsideration may be mailed to the claims administrator or sent electronically via the email address listed on the notice letter. Please notify the claims administrator immediately of any address changes.

Approximately 16,813 petitions remain to be decided. This website will be updated when each subsequent wave of decisions is made.

Update – January 4, 2019

The U.S. Department of Justice, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, ruled on the first wave of victim petitions on December 27, 2018. The claims administrator is in the process of sending approval, partial denial, and denial letters to those petitioners. Denied and partially denied petitioners will have 45 days to request reconsideration of DOJ’s decision pursuant to 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.8(a)(3) and 9.4(k). Since the net proceeds of the forfeitures are insufficient to fully compensate all petitioner losses, approved petitioners will receive a pro rata share of the forfeited proceeds once DOJ has completed all decisions. In the meantime, please notify the claims administrator immediately of any address changes.

Approximately 23,573 petitions totaling $491,652,263.01 remain to be decided. The website will be updated when each subsequent wave of decisions is made.

Update – July 20, 2018

Analytics, the remission administrator working on behalf of the Department of Justice, received 23,545 petition forms from victims of Evolution Market Group claiming over $602,878,808.00 in total losses. The remission administrator continues to review the claimed losses and determine whether the losses are supported by the documentation submitted with each petition.

In 2018, the remission administrator sent two waves of deficiency notices to certain petitioners. The Department of Justice expects to begin issuing final deficiency notices by the end of the calendar year. When the claims administrator sends a new wave of notification letters, this notice will be updated accordingly.

Finally, if the value of the approved petitions exceeds the limited value of the forfeited property, the Department may grant remission on a pro rata basis. See 28 C.F.R. § 9.8(f). If that is the case, checks cannot be issued until the Department rules on all petitions and requests for reconsideration.

Please note this website contains information regarding the ONLY remission process concerning Evolution Market Group – doing business as – Finanzas Forex, DWB Holding Company, Superior International Investments Corporation, German Cardona, Daniel Rojo Filho, Pedro Benevides and others in which investors were defrauded out of millions of dollars.

The remission process was initiated and is being overseen by the United States Department of Justice and administered by Analytics LLC. Please beware, any other websites or entities claiming to administer remission payments or refunds concerning the above are fraudulent. Don’t be fooled by individuals or companies who promise to get your money back for a fee. You never have to pay to take part in the Department of Justice Remission Programs.

***Please note that German Cardona and/or his attorneys are NOT associated with the remission process being administered by the United States Department of Justice, and are not authorized to act on behalf of the United States Department of Justice. Please disregard any requests for payment, information, or documentation by German Cardona and/or his attorneys for the remission process. If the claims administrator requires any information or documentation from you, the claims administrator will contact you directly. Moreover, you do not have to pay any money to be considered for remission, and the payment of money to a third party does not guarantee that you will receive money from the remission process.****

The United States Government obtained a judgment in federal district court resulting in the forfeiture of approximately $40 million in bank funds and $138 million worth of gold and silver which were seized by federal authorities for their involvement in a fraud perpetrated by Evolution Market Group (EMG) doing business as Finanzas Forex (FFX). These proceeds will be distributed to eligible victims through a process called “remission.” Authority to grant remission rests with the US Department of Justice, pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 28, Part 9 (2010).

Investment decisions demand time and careful consideration. For more information see: www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0238-investment-risks.